Relation Site

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Now a ridiculous book!

  • Spurious charts
  • Fascinating factoids
  • Commentary in the footnotes
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Relocation site lag-asan

The foundation of McDonald's success is built on a legacy of personal and professional integrity envisioned by founder, Ray Kroc, who believed in ethical, truthful and dependable leadership. For over 65 years, Ray Kroc’s vision for McDonald’s has earned the trust of millions of people around the world, and today, we continue to honor this. Expert Relationship Advice. The #1 relationship coaching site 'I want my ex back, or at least get help moving on after my breakup. It turned out that Relationship Hero helped me win them back!' Get back together with your ex love; Get help breaking up. We'll guide you to break up the right way! Win your girlfriend back after a breakup.

Data sources: U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Data sources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Internet Movie Database
Data sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Data sources: National Vital Statistics Reports and U.S. Department of Agriculture
Data sources: Wikipedia and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Data sources: U.S. Census Bureau and National Science Foundation
Data sources: Federal Aviation Administration and National Science Foundation
Data sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation
Data sources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and National Vital Statistics Reports
Data sources: Dept. of Energy and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Data sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture and Dept. of Energy
Relation Site
Data sources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Dept. of Energy
Data sources: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Data sources: National Spelling Bee and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Sitemap Creation

Data sources: National Science Foundation and Dept. of Energy

Relation Sister


More? Check out the book!

  • Spurious charts
  • Fascinating factoids
  • Commentary in the footnotes
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Relation Django_site Does Not Exist

Other spurious things

  • Discover a correlation: find new correlations.
  • Go to the next page of charts, and keep clicking 'next' to get through all 30,000.
  • View the sources of every statistic in the book.