Meet Women Reddit

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Meet Women Reddit

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Tired of frequenting bars and clubs and competing with other guys for women? Want to know where to meet girls where there’s little to no competition whatsoever?! This video is for you.

I’ll show you where to meet women with the best possible chance to pick them up!

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Look, man, most guys are doing this dating thing all wrong. Someone once told me, if you wanted to sell a book, the hardest place to sell it is a bookstore. Why? Because you are competing with all the other books. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s definitely true when it comes to dating. If you go to bars, clubs or searching online then you are competing with every other guy there.

Instead, make meeting women a whole lot easier by going to where there’s little to no competition.

What’s your type of woman?

Listen, Most guys do the shotgun approach to dating and as a result, they are going for women that they aren’t even compatible with. Hear me out, if you ask any successful business how they find customers they do it a very specific way so they can target the demographic that is most likely to be compatible and want to buy their product. You need to view dating the exact same way. And if you do this you’ll start meeting and dating the women that you actually want. Then you’ll be ready to approach a girl and spark that attraction.

So what is your target demographic? Do you need to have a clear picture as to what TYPE of women you want to date? For example, you probably shouldn’t go looking for women in bars and clubs if you’re not even into party girls.

So first ask yourself these questions:

  • What age range should she be?
  • Do you want a party animal or a girl that keeps it classy? Or maybe a bit of both
  • Do you want an active girl that plays sports?
  • What level of education should she have?
  • Are you a health nut? Perhaps she should be too.
  • Do you want her to be ambitious and driven?

Understanding the qualities of your ideal girl will help you find where she hangs out. That being said, some of the following locations will appeal to you while others will not.

But before I give you the list of my favorite places, you need to know this: One of the biggest logistical factors to help you meet more women is to Optimize Your Lifestyle.

Purposefully live in neighborhoods filled with the women you’d like to meet. This way, you’ll see them more often in your everyday life. This will drastically improve the number of women you’ll meet.

The 12 Best Places To Meet Women

Meet Women Reddit

Yoga classes and festivals

Especially good if you love athletic and flexible girls and who doesn’t like that. Usually, these girls are really into health, nature, energy work like tantra, chakra clearing, and different forms of self-development.

Bars, clubs, and lounges

Make sure that you go to venues that you enjoy instead of going to ones that you don’t like just because there are more cute girls. Because you will do better if you are enjoying yourself.

The Dog Park

Reddit Meet Women

Have a dog? Then go here. Approaching her will be much easier because you immediately have something in common.

One of my favorite openers for a girl with a dog that I got from my good friend Vince Kelvin is “Hey what a cute owner you have!”

Health Food Store

Do you buy groceries? Well, she probably does too, especially if she is health conscious. Try Whole Foods. In my experience, a health food store has a lot more pretty girls than Walmart or Piggly Wiggly.

Coffee Shops

Do you like to read or work on your laptop? Well, head over to a popular coffee shop. For some reason, hot women love Starbucks. It’s kind of a trend.

Hang out for a couple hours, sit where all the people pass by, and wait until you see a lady you’d like to meet.

If she’s busy reading or working, make sure to acknowledge what she’s doing, “Hey, I see you’re reading. but I wanted to come over real quick and say ‘hi.”

The Gym


Beautiful women usually work out so find the gym where all the girls attend. Keep in mind at the gym they are not there to chit chat so keep it short and sweet.

Use our simple “Compliment, Qualify, Close” process to make her deeply attracted to you in under 3 minutes.

Cooking Class

Yup, most cooking classes are FILLED with ONLY women. The best case scenario is when women outnumber men because they’ll fight over you.

Music Festivals or Concerts

If you love music, then this is your spot. Large music festivals have TONS of women and they are all looking to have fun. To win the girl over, focus on having fun.

Shopping Malls

If you like a girl that dresses nice, then you can be sure she frequents malls. The best times are usually Saturday mornings.

The Park

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I know of a girl that said, “I’d really love a guy to approach me while I am running.” This was a surprise to me. But yes, if she likes to run, she’d also like to meet a guy that likes to run. So you runners know what to do…

However, at popular parks, you’ll find women doing all sorts of activities.

The Beach

Sunny beaches are loaded with beautiful women in bikinis getting their tan on. The thing is that most guys are way too intimidated to approach a girl in a bikini – so by approaching her, you’ll stand out.

College Campus

Even if you aren’t in college, even if you are in your 30’s or 40’s this is my favorite place to meet women. Because it is a fun environment full of young educated women who are eager to socialize. So just visit your local university and go for a walk or visit a cafe on campus and strike up conversations.

Now you might be afraid that she’ll ask you why you are there. First of all, they almost never ask. If she does, just tell her you are taking a walk, or you like the coffee shop or that you have a friend that goes there, if it’s true. Or be honest and say that you don’t like meeting women at bars and clubs because they are too drunk and sloppy. You’d be surprised at how many women love that answer.

BONUS: Meetup groups

Join meetup groups or organizations that you enjoy such as hiking or wine meetup groups. You’ll find other women with the same hobbies so you’ll immediately have a connection and something to talk about. You can also take seminars or classes that interest you. I’ve found that a lot of women love to attend personal development workshops like PSI or Millionaire Mind Intensive and the women usually outnumber the men.

Somewhere else….?

But what if you are really into something not really all that girl friendly such as video games or shooting guns or MMA fighting?

Now even if you aren’t in your favorite environment, for example, you just see a beautiful woman walking down the street, make sure you approach her because even though you have no idea what her interests are or if she’s compatible you can easily find out. Take advantage of all opportunities!

Now, How do you start the conversation in each of these situations?

I created this Free Conversation Cheat Sheet where I break down exactly what to say after “Hi” to make her want you.

You get:

  • My top conversation starters for any situation…
  • Simple techniques to never run out of things to say…
  • A list of my favorite games to play that create a fun-flirty vibe
  • And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
  • And more!

Download it now because you’ll want to keep this handy before you go out.

And if you want us to show you how to meet women personally, click here for a free 1-on-1 breakthrough call.

I’m out! Cheers!

Intl. Dating Coach & Founder @ The Attractive Man LLC
Matt Artisan is considered one of the World’s Top Dating & Attraction Coaches.
For the last 5 years Matt has personally conducted Live Trainings and Workshops in over 36 countries, helping thousands of men all of the world build confidence and succeed with women.
He has been interviewed by ABC and featured on MTV.

As you know, I’ve traveled all over the world meeting beautiful women. So it’s about time I tell you my Top 10 countries to meet beautiful women!

If you are a traveler like myself, then you may have wondered which countries are the best for meeting beautiful women. Well, I spent five years living out of a suitcase traveling to over 70 countries in search for not only the most beautiful women but also the best women to date for long-term relationships as well as some casual fun.

Here are my top 10 countries to meet women:

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Download the Conversation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to her

Top 10 Countries to Meet Beautiful Women

First of all, these are just my opinions and I recommend traveling and doing your own research and please leave some of your own opinions in a comment down below because I’m sure there will be some countries that are great that just didn’t make my list.

So let’s get started.


I spent about 6 weeks in Japan and although women are extremely shy and reserved at first, they are also extremely attractive and dress sexy as hell. Mostly short skirts and school attire even in the colder months.

The women are also very educated but the language barrier can be a problem, not because they don’t speak any English but because they are often too embarrassed to try. The women are also very submissive to their men and are expected to submit to male authority. It’s no wonder Bukkake came from Japan.

Now if you are a confident guy then you will kill it there because the local men are often too lazy and shy to approach women. In fact, the birth rate has been decreasing because less and fewer couples are having children. The same is true in Singapore which I think is almost a tie with Japan for beautiful women. In fact, Josiah and I once coached a class of 17 single women there and they all agreed that local men are too afraid to make the move. So if you strike up a conversation and are bold enough to make a move then you will do great in Japan.


I spent 3 weeks in Rio and absolutely loved it. Not only are the beaches there amazing but so are the women.

Brazilians are well known for their love of sexy dance and wild festivals; the most famous is Carnival or as I like to call it, the Makeout Festival. You can easily make out with 10 girls in one day. It’s normal in Brazilian culture to be close and affectionate and kissing is no big deal. Kissing on the cheek is the most common greeting and being in someone’s personal space too is not as taboo as it is in some other countries. Brazilians tend to be very comfortable when in close proximity to others.

Women were actually walking so close to me that they would push into me. It’s one of the only places where I had a woman kiss me first!

Latin women, in general, have a strong sense of family, are generally more emotional and more possessive, and are raised to be feminine and do girly things and focus on looking good. All winners in my book.

Not all Brazilians know English, so that can be a challenge if you don’t know any Portuguese. I went on two dates with girls that didn’t speak a lick of English, which I don’t really mind, because they love to touch and body language is all you need.


Swedish women, despite the fact that they don’t wear a lot of makeup, if any, are beautiful, open-minded, adventurous and very friendly. Since Sweden is a prosperous country, the women typically have good jobs and are able to support themselves.

To me, it seemed like there were more feminists here than any other country, which makes Swedish girls very open-minded and it’s not uncommon for them to even make the first move. Sex on a first date is pretty common as long as she’s into you of course. Because of the huge emphasis on equality and since they usually have a good job, most Swedes won’t expect the man to pay on the first date. But I think it’s a nice gesture anyway, but don’t be overly insistent. Also, Sweden is really expensive so keep that in mind as well.

Also, keep in mind that Swedes love to drink so she’ll probably drink you under the table.

Swedes generally speak softly and calmly. It is rare to witness a Swede demonstrating anger or strong emotion in public, which seems to be the opposite of Latin culture. They also take their personal space very seriously so don’t expect them to be as touchy-feely as Brazilians.

And don’t give her flowers on the date because it’s uncommon for a first date and will just put you in the courting role instead of the potential lover role.


There is this myth floating around that there are a lot more women than men in Russia and E Europe (explain). If you want to date women who are over 80 then Eastern Europe and Russia might be the way to go. It could happen in a particular city if there’s an all women’s university.

Another myth is that the men look at women as the “weaker sex”, which is not true at all—but instead women are seen as “the prettier sex.” Therefore, women do everything they can to always look their best. Don’t be surprised if you see a young woman at the grocery store who looks like she’s dressed to go clubbing.

Unlike in Sweden where the men can often be a little feminine and the women are more in tune with their masculinity, In Russian culture, you’ll see a strong polarity between femininity and masculinity.

Women are always expected to look feminine and be reserved. This is why one night stands are less common.

Russian women love a gentleman and they expect the man to charm her into liking him by making romantic gestures, such as buying her flowers, paying for her expenses and buying gifts. It’s always expected that the man pays for the dates.

Unlike Swedish women who value career, Russian women put love and family above everything else. Most Russians marry in their early 20s. Once a woman hits 25 she’ll get a lot of pressure from her family to get married. This is why the bars and even the streets are full of gorgeous young single women, just waiting to be approached.

Meet Women Reddit


Mexico is one of my favorite countries to travel to not only because of the delicious, not so healthy food but of course the women. Even though Mexico is a highly religious country, the women seem to be very open-minded and sex doesn’t seem to have a huge stigma.

Mexican women are also very pretty because, similar to Russia, Mexicans put a great deal of value in appearance and usually dress up for a date.Just like in Brazil, men and women often kiss each other on each cheek as a greeting and stand quite close together while chatting. And this doesn’t necessarily mean there is any sexual intent.

It’s a traditional culture so you’ll be expected to pay for the date and make sure to be a gentleman. If you are a confident male, then you’ll do exceptionally well here as Mexican women, and basically, all women for that matter, love to be approached by a confident charming man.


I’ve taught two boot camps in Serbia and I must say the women are definitely some of the most beautiful in the world. And the stereotype that they don’t like Americans isn’t true.

But if you are going here for a short visit hoping for a one night stand, although it could happen it’s just not that likely because most Serbs are looking for long-term relationships. They are good wife material since they are traditional yet still focus on education and career. Wealth is important to them, and more so than having it, having the appearance of wealth is important.

When picking up a Serb make sure to be dominant with strong eye contact . They are a proud people and are suspicious of anyone breaking eye contact during conversation. Similar to Russians, they take a lot of pride in their homeland so you will definitely score points by knowing about or showing interest in their country.

But keep in mind that Serbian women are masters of leading you on so even if she’s showing you a lot of interest and is talking to you it doesn’t mean she’s sexually interested.

But definitely check out the nightlife while you are there because Belgrade has some fun bars and cool club on the water.


The Philippines is where I spend most of my time, because it’s super cheap, for example, I have a full time live in maid for only $150 a month, massages are $6 and the girls are the most beautiful in all of Asia in my opinion and are super open minded.

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Of course, you will find plenty of traditional girls who just want a boyfriend, but a lot of girls are liberated and want to have fun, especially with a non-Asian foreigner. The countries slogan is it’s more fun in the Philippines and I think it’s true.

If you are a good looking white guy, then don’t be surprised if girls look at you and smile when you walk by. But it’s rare that they will actually approach a guy, unless they are drunk at the club, or a pok pok.

The downside is that they are generally less educated or focused on a career as some of the European countries on my list. They can also be really shy and a little uninteresting on a date with not a lot to talk about, which is pretty common in all of Asia. They might even seem totally uninterested but really they are just shy. They also tend to get attached easily. So be careful showing too much interest. And don’t be surprised if she brings a friend on the date. But, it’s not always a bad thing.

Another plus is that pretty much all Filipinos speak English, since English is a subject they study throughout their schooling. In fact, all the movies are in English with no subtitles. But just like in any country you do score a few points if you know a few words in their language.


Moldova, which I’ve visited twice is one of the hidden gems of Europe when searching for stunning women, and since it’s not known for tourism, because there’s not much to do, it’s rare that you’ll see a lot of other foreigners. So it’s easy to get a date because they will be intrigued about your culture and why you came to visit their country.

It’s a very traditional culture even more so than Russia, so the courting process is going to take some time. Don’t expect a one night stand. You’re going to have to put some effort in. I recommend to be a gentleman and even show up with flowers. If not on the first date, then definitely the 3rd or 4th. It’s the poorest country in Europe so flowers will only cost a dollar or two.

Dates typically consist of walking, and this seems to also be true for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, where even though your date will probably show up in heels she’ll want to go for a walk. Of course, you can stop for food and drinks, but the women love to go for long walks. Now I’ve only been to Eastern Europe and Russia in the summer months so I think it’s probably because it’s too cold to go on walks in the winter. Unlike the Philippines where a girl is happy to go back to your air-conditioned condo right away to escape the horrible heat, don’t expect a Moldovan to come back to your place on the first or second date.

So, Moldova is a terrible place for a quick fling but is a great place to find a beautiful wife. For dating, plan on spending a month or two at the minimum. And keep in mind, that even in Chisinau there’s not a whole lot to do. Which is probably why, according to Wikipedia Moldova ranks #2 for alcohol consumption in the entire world, only to be beaten by Belarus, which is another great untapped country full of gorgeous women.


I bought a condo in Medellin in 2016 and have spent a total of 5 months there and in all of Latin America, I think Colombians are the most attractive. Colombia still has a very traditional culture when it comes to dating. You’ll be expected to pay and be a gentleman. It’s also a fairly macho society, similar to Russia, so expect a wider masculine-feminine polarity.

Colombian culture is very sexualized however Colombian women are not particularly fast or easy, I went on 5 dates with a girl in Medellin and she kissed on the first date but that was the farthest she was willing to go the entire time we hung out. Not all Colombians are that traditional, but either way, make sure to respect their boundaries.

Colombian women are also very flaky. Expats there often schedule 2 or 3 dates a night because of the highly likely hood that one of them might flake.

Colombians are also very passionate. And because of that passion, they can also get super jealous even on a first date. But that passion and craziness can also be good for other things. Just make sure your dates are fun and exciting, a boring dinner date will get you nowhere. Also make sure to sit side by side because, similar to Brazil, Colombians are very touchy-feely.

Definitely visit Colombia because prices are low, there’s a lot to do, great restaurants, fantastic culture, and amazingly beautiful women. They put a huge emphasis on beauty here and if the girl isn’t naturally beautiful or curvy then she’ll usually just pay for it.


Because of the endless amount of model-like women and affordability Ukraine is my number one pick for meeting beautiful women. There is a reason most mail order brides come from Ukraine.

Just like Moldova and Belarus, Ukrainian dating is more traditional. Dress well, feel free to bring flowers and be a gentleman. Go to a restaurant first and then drinks or a long walk.

Unlike western culture, most Ukrainian women don’t talk about sex or sexual topics on a first date. I’ve had a Ukrainian girl say, “we don’t talk about those kinds of things”. So what I like to do is take my dates to this BDSM bar in Lvov, which makes it okay to talk about that subject.

You will really get a mix here. I’ve had about 60% super conservative and 40% not- so-conservative. So you really have the best of both worlds for casual dating as well as serious long-term relationships.

And make sure to finish all your alcohol. According to Ukrainian old wives stories, if you will leave the empty bottle on the table, you may become cursed with poverty.

So there you have it my top 10 list of countries for meeting beautiful women. And don’t forget other countries like Argentina, pretty much all the Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern Europe countries and Thailand and Vietnam, can also be really good options so pack your bags and start exploring.

By the way, the main way I meet women on my travels is not bars, clubs or online dating, because that’s where all the competition is. Instead, I meet them during the day just walking down the street or sitting in the park.

If you want to know how to meet women in any situation and what to say to spark attraction and get a number, and even what to say on the date then make sure to download my free conversation cheat sheet.

Also if you want us to help you live in person then make sure to schedule a consultation or click here for a free 1-on-1 breakthrough call!

That’s all for now, I’m out till next time! Cheers!

Intl. Dating Coach & Founder @ The Attractive Man LLC
Matt Artisan is considered one of the World’s Top Dating & Attraction Coaches.
For the last 5 years Matt has personally conducted Live Trainings and Workshops in over 36 countries, helping thousands of men all of the world build confidence and succeed with women.
He has been interviewed by ABC and featured on MTV.