Look At Tinder Without Signing Up

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There is currently no way I know of to look at possible matches without signing up to Tinder. That means your only option is to set up a fake account. Millions of catfish do it all the time so it isn’t difficult, but it is the only way you’re going to be able to do this. Let’s put it out there right away. Find people on tinder. There are 3 options. Find by name: If you're looking for a good friend of yours, or are curious if this person is on tinder. Based on their names, you can search for them. Even better: you can search for more names at once. So you don't need to start over. Just tap on 'enter more names', and repeat as you wish.

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Love is one of the most important parts of life. It soothes you, provides you comfort and the presence of a partner is good for overall health as well. With the change in time, we have become more evolved in terms of dating and relationship. The technology has made us busy with work and we have very little time to put in the beginning of the relationship. Thus, apps like Tinder are gaining popularity at a fast pace as they make it convenient to look for a perspective match in your area. I personally love the app and often check it to find a date.

Being a tech savvy, I have a number of gadgets and love to surf around. I am available on multiple social media platforms which make it very easy to know more about me. This is where I get little concerned while using Tinder. Facebook being one of the most powerful social media platform, the penetration of the website is almost everywhere. It also provides simple signup to different websites and apps which can pull my data via API. These apps or websites are connected to Facebook via comments, likes, shares and user’s profile.

Can I Look At Tinder Without Signing Up

I am socially active but on the same hand, I love to keep a few things limited to my friends and family only.Signing up to Tinder via Facebook is never a good choice for me but I have done it with an unwilling mind as I had no other option. In the past few months, I have scrolled through every single option on Facebook and Tinder to come up with one solid way to keep using Tinder and keep it away from my main Facebook account.

It all started after I was stalked by one of the Tinder matches and it was creepy as hell. Anyway, not going into those details, let me explain how you keep Tinder and your main Facebook account completely separate so that the Tinder users cannot find you on Facebook and your friends and family from Facebook do not come to know about your Tinder activities.

What is Tinder? How and why it uses Facebook?

In simple terms, Tinder is an online dating application which finds a suitable match for you keeping a check on your location. It shows a number of profiles which you may like from your location. You have the option to say yes or no to the person appearing in front of you by swiping the screen right or left. The basic profile of the application has a name, little bio, interests and a few photographs. You cannotbrowse Tinder without account so you have to create one first.

In order to authenticate the identity of the user, Tinder wants you to connect the application to your Facebook profile. In the beginning, I found it easy and straightforward but the permissions Tinder asks while authentication is much more than it needs. The application uses Facebook’s algorithms to trace your location and find exact match however it could have just used the interest and my preferred location instead of “spying” on me and other users.


Can You Look At Tinder Without Signing Up

How to tighten your privacy on Facebook?

First of all, if you are a privacy freak just like me, you have to keep checking the privacy options on Facebook every once a while. The website has a strange habit of changing them every now and then. Sometimes it makes the changes for the benefit of the users but most of the times it just tries to find some loopholes in the system so that it can use your information to gain more advertisers.

How to look at tinder without signing up

Under the privacy section on Facebook, there is a section for apps as well. There you can change the permissions for Tinder and stop it from checking your profile.

You can also allow daters only to connect with you via Tinder and not via Facebook as an option. To make sure your Tinder activities are hidden from your Facebook friends, change the app’s visibility setting in Facebook to “Only Me”.

lets summarize the points again to change Tinder Application Priorities in Facebook Account;

  1. Check in to your Facebook Profile.
  2. Click on Lock icon and then click to Settings.
  3. Scroll down the page a little bit and click on Apps.
  4. Set the privacy of Tinder App to “Only me“.

It works just like the photos on Facebook. Tighten your security on Facebook will not answer your query on How to use tinder without Facebook but it will make you more secure.

Create a separate Facebook profile for Tinder

However, Facebook urges you to have only one personal profile, it does not stop you from having two of them. If you are looking for an answer on how to use tinder without Facebook, this is the best way possible.You can create a completely separate account on Facebook to use for authenticating apps and websites. It will be much easier and safer for you to keep a separate account as it will reduce the chances of any alleged cyber stalking. Make sure the profile looks authentic and have some general info and a couple of photographs on your new Facebook account.

Once you are done with creating a new profile on Facebook, you have to change the settings in Tinder as well so that it gets disconnected from your old account. First of all, you need to open the Tinder app and go to Settings gear on the left side. In the App, settings log out from the app. Now, sign in the application using your new Facebook account. Do remember that the old Tinder account will not get linked to the new Facebook profile. You have to fill out the information again. Still, to keep you away from any privacy issues, this is a small inconvenience. Tinder without Facebook account is not possible but who is stopping you from having two Facebook accounts!

Why should you keep Tinder and Facebook separate?

There are several reasons to keep Tinder and Facebook separate. As tinder is a dating app and online dating sometimes gets really creepy in terms of privacy and security, it is wise to keep your main Facebook account separate from Tinder. Now, when I faced issues with my privacy on Tinder, a few questions popped in my mind. The first one is common for every user that “can you use Tinder without Facebook App?” Unfortunately, I didn’t find any way around. To authenticate my existence, I had to connect it to Facebook. I simply cannot use Tinder without Facebook which is a buzz kill.

Can you look through tinder without signing up

The working dating apps without Facebook authentication are available but they are not as good as Tinder. I have tried many of them but in the end, I had to turn to Tinder. Some websites offer ways to browse Tinder without an account but those are all fakes.

The Internet knows everything about you

Google, Facebook, and other social media platforms have made it easy to track you down. Most of the information about you is available over the internet and it is quite fascinating to see the results when you Google yourself! I was amazed when I looked upon my name for the first time on Google. It showed me photographs where I was tagged in, my Facebook and LinkedIn profiles were visible and now even my Tweets are embedded in the search results.

In the beginning, it looks cool and impressive but in the long run, it is not that safe. People around the world are finding options to make search engines forget about them completely just to make sure they do not have their complete identity available over the internet.

It is not possible to stay on the grid while being away from the social media. In one or the other platform, you will be visible. Can you log into Tinder without Facebook? No, because Tinder use social media apps and website to know more about you. What you like or dislike, what is your favorite cuisine, which brand you like the most, which doctor you see regularly, which medicines you are taking, what kind of restaurants you visit, which locations you have explored are some of the information these social media companies know about you. Interestingly, most of them even know more about you than the Government of your country which is even scarier!


In simple terms, if I ask that I don’t have a Facebook account can I use Tinder, the answer will be no. I have to create an account on Facebook to start using the app. The privacy issues with Tinder and similar dating app will coexist with the charms of online dating. You simply cannot ignore a stalker who “happens” to stumble upon your Facebook account via Tinder. It is not possible to browse Tinder anonymously which is a good feature but on the same hand, it makes the app vulnerable to the cyber stalkers. I have even tried searching Google to see if there is a way to browse tinder profiles without account but all the methods were fake.


If you are an open person and post a lot of information on Tinder about yourself, there is a much chance that someone will try to find you on Facebook and try to become friend with you. It is always recommended not to use same photographs on Facebook and Tinder to avoid any overlapping. Keeping the dating profile separate from your Facebook profile is always a good idea. There are apps like tinder that don’t require Facebook but I do not like the functionality of most of these apps.

Online dating is a fascinating thing. You can find your perfect match from a nearby location or from far away land. The Internet has made it possible to stay connected while being physically away. It is good to make full use of the features but on the same hand, it is important to safeguard yourself from the creeps over the web. By simply keeping track of my privacy on different apps and websites, I have created a better online world for myself and it is not difficult at all.