Dating Site For Age Gap Relationships

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Do you need help working our what your real age gap actually is? You can subtractyour ages for a simple estimate, but the actual age gap is much more complex.At 20 dating we have made it simple, enter the date of birth of the two people, hit the button and get the exact age difference, even down to the day!Can age gap relationships really work

Married? In a relationship? Just checking? Check your gap

Enter your date of birth and your partners to get an accurate and precise age difference. is the best and largest online age gap dating website. Our proffessional services have helped people from all over the world found their match since 2001! Every year, hundreds of thousands older women and older men find love, soulmates, long term relationship, friends here. Age Gap Cupid is a guaranteed and serious dating site. The Age Gap dating category highlights mature women with experience, and thus pairs older women with younger men. Sites in this category vary from cougar-oriented, where women can find their.

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Copy & paste the code below to add this age difference calculator to your ownwebsite or blog. If you have an article about gap differences / age gap dating your visitors will fill in their own partner's details out of curiosity, increasingthe time they spend on your site, which is always a good thing.

How the age difference calculator works

Hang on, here comes the technical bit. We find the oldest person and workout the difference in years. We then take the difference in months and adjust the yearif required, we then take a similar process to work out the months and adjustbased on the days, if required. Finally, we work out the days based on the number of days in the month(s) and factor in a leap years (if required).

There are some limits to the allowable date ofbirths if you wanted to compare historical figures or futuristic super heroes! The minimum year (oldest) you can set is 100, the maximum (future) is 5000.But if you want to work out if a potential partner is too old for you thenyou will not be overly concerned with these limitations. This calculator correctlyhandles leap years.

A worked age gap example

In the interests of maths let's look at Daniel Radcliffe (actor) and Charlize Theron (model), to the best of our knowledge they are not dating!Daniel was born 23rd July 1989, Charlize 7th August 1975. Their age gap is 13 years, 11 months and 16 days.

Relationships: Men older VS Women older

Dating Site For Age Gap Relationships Intergenerational

We analysed census data from the United States and combined married and unmarried differentsex couples to see how age difference varied with gender.

You can see from this data that over all age differences there are considerably moreolder men than there are older women. There seems to be a social stigma when it comes to a mature woman and a younger guy, whereas a man is often held in high regard whenhe dates a much younger woman.

Age gap on the x-axis define in years, percentage of US population on the y-axis.Data from the US census Characteristics of Male-Female Unmarried and Married Couples: CPS 2012.
Table of age differences and gender
Age gapMan olderWoman olderMan older %Woman older %
0 to 122,57822,57837%37%
2 to 522,7536,81137%11%
6 to 97,9452,04613%3%
10 plus5,4281,3319%2%
Age gap defined in years, all numbers is 1000s. For example, 22,578 is 22,578,000.

What is an acceptable age gap?

There is a general rule of acceptance which is defined as half your own age + 7 years,this will give you the minimum acceptable age, to work out the maximum, your age - 7 years, times 2.

A worked example
A person is aged 40. Minimum age is 40 divided by 2 which equals 20, plus 7 is 27.Maximum age is 40 subtract 7, which is 33 times 2 is 66. The table below has somemore results, already worked out for you.

Table of acceptable age gaps
Your ageMinium ageMaximum age
We have rounded down any half numbers (0.5) in the interest of clarity.

This basic rule of acceptable age difference seems fair for people aged 25 to 35. The minimum agealso seems sensible as age increases. The issue is maximum age. It doesn't take long before it reaches an age gap that even 20 dating would consider extreme.

More than 20 years age gap?

If you entered a potential partner in our calculator and ended up with a result of 20 years or more and then you should consider joining us a 20 dating. All our members are interested indating someone with a minimum gap of 20 years!

In conclusion

Age gap calculations are fun to perform and discuss but don't let them constrain a potential partner.If you have a good and happy relationship it really doesn't matter what your age difference is and more importantly, don't worry about what other people think. It's your life, your partner and your relationship.Dating site for age gap relationships online
Any data you enter in our age difference calculator is not saved or stored. It is an anonymous and free service.
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The ability to search based on age and even limit who can contact you based on age, is important to online daters. So much so, these are some of the most requested site features. This is a hot topic and ripe for discussion.

It’s an age old dilemma – should you date someone where there’s a significant age gap? There’s no straight yes or no answer, because it will depend on a number of factors. With that in mind, here are some of the questions you might have, when thinking about dating someone much older or younger than you.

Does it matter?

Not necessarily. Maturity isn’t always about chronological age. Some people get on far better with people older or younger than themselves and for them, an age gap feels natural. It also depends entirely on the individual – just because you didn’t grow up watching the same kids TV programmes, doesn’t mean you’re not perfect for one another. But for many people, for many reasons, it just doesn’t work.

It’s easy for bias to creep in when you’re evaluating somebody purely based on a profile and suitability on paper. So it’s well worth looking at other factors, and not making rejections based on this alone.

Who does it matter to?


If you think it’s only you and your (future) boyfriend or girlfriend who would be impacted by an age gap, you may well be mistaken. Many of the people close to you will have their opinions, some based purely on their pre-existing expectations for your life, while for others it may pose practical issues.


Perhaps you have a crowd of friends younger than you, and you begin dating someone a generation older than them. Rightly or wrongly, they could feel that they have less in common with the person you’re trying to integrate into the group.

Sometimes family members too can have strong reactions, particularly if you begin dating someone older, with children around the same age as you are.

What are the challenges?

The main issue to consider with an age gap is: do you want the same thing? This applies in every dating situation, but for people at different life stages, it is especially pertinent.

Questions around marriage and children are frequent in this arena, although one of the many benefits of a Christian dating site, is that a desire for marriage is almost certain, regardless of age.

The question of children is not so easily solved. An older woman dating a younger man might be in a hurry if she wants kids – he may not be ready. An older man or woman who has already raised children, may not want to do so a second time – an issue if dating someone younger who sees that in their future.

Often someone is happy to compromise, but it is important to have the conversation. Of course if you don’t want to start a family, someone older who has already had their own children can actually be an ideal scenario.

When you click with someone, have a great time together and are on the same page, an age difference will often pale into insignificance. Perhaps you don’t want to walk a similar path to your peers and are happy to take a more alternative route, especially if you lean to a crowd that’s older or younger.

It’s totally fine to have preferences in terms of who you want to consider and it may help you narrow your search effectively. But dating often brings surprises too. So if you choose to keep your options more open in terms of age, you could find love with someone you would never have expected.

Appropriate Age Gap For Dating

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